Wednesday 4 August 2010

Planets Speaking: VENUS

If anyone gets wealth, somebody says “He has filled with Venus wave length”. It is true too. I have donate, palace like home, four wheeler like car, gorgeous wife, well-set furniture, silk dresses, perfume goods, deep sleeps, testy food, snacks, dance, music, when placed at good state. I am powered with these matters.

If you take food for hungry not filled with pizza, if you taken drink for thrust, you have more thrust with cock. Yea! I powered cock and pizza.

Five star hotel, air conditioned room, sleeper, southeast, opposite sex, unseen organs, silver goods are based on my power. Anyone has troubles in his privacy life; I am not good in his horoscope. if I am as inauspicious, it makes impotent in sex, sex vulgarity, sex scandal to the human.

Here, I give a special prescribe to you…you can do this even what kind of state of on your horoscope. It makes me a cool… so you relieve from your grief.

1) Be as single, if not get marriage
2) Make sex by monthly twice
3) Except your luxury, fancy, lavish and sumptuous.
4) Apart from vehicles,
5) Get blessing from married women by donate objects (silver material is special)
6) Donate soap, comb, mirror and bangle to relative women (not a blood relative girls)
7) Clear the dig, septic tank in the southeast.
8) Be apart with dance, music, meeting, stage play and cosmetic


What you get without struggle, these are God’s gift. You are develop awfulness by arrange the goods and anything in the life. Consequently have ready to drop it; by the way you drop dangerous too. Do not hang with dropped objects, otherwise you will be bushed into unearth.