Monday 2 August 2010

Planets speaking : JUPITER

Have you meaning of “Punarabi maranam, Punarabi Jananam”, “death like as asleep, awake is birth”?

Human is ever birth and have good states of horoscope, if he worship priest on his life period. Otherwise I am not good on your horoscope and some of priest or holy man resolves their settlements with you. You can match it for all Planets.

Birth has one type of resolves. But we forget, trying getting more and more. God divide the human as nine parts in the world and who controlled with nine Planets.

Sun controlled mountaineers, Moon controlled Celebrities wives and merchants, Mars controlled brave man or soldier, brothers, Rahu controlled other language or nationalities, Kethu controlled other religion, Venus controlled opposite sex, pregnant wives of priest, Saturn controlled Dalith and workers, same as me controlled priest and bishop.

One of strong believes is… which Planet gives the awfulness to you in this life, you are agreed to serve that ruled humans. OK, I have to lime-light all of secrets… God may ask me how you give the details, what we discussed on our assembly.
Anyway, past life’s resolving is conformed. You can choose the as whole part or single types of resolve. Not give only words; later you lose your public opinion. We are ready to give uncounted tragedy too.

You have a chance to escape from this kind of awfulness, provide all from your side of matter or object, what controlled from ours. Can you understand?

I am a supervisor for gold, finance, politic, religion, charity, temples and northeast. Additionally, these are controlled by me, son, grandson, court, treasury, topaz, priest, knowledgeable men, heart, stomach, memory, epic, Veda, service center, Ruling language, Government home development, cashier, conductor and target with plan.

I have merged with Thakshinamoorthy, Saibaba and Sri Ragavendra. How is your story? What is the answer for these questions? Have gold, perception, political riches, and proper aged marriage, have child? If you answer is “yes”, I am Ok, with you. I am doing best of.

Registered case in court, borrow money for interest, hypertension, fail to remember, abdomen problems, missing gold by stealing and insolvent are done by me, if I am not good on your horoscope.
Here, I give a special prescribe to you…you can do this even what kind of state of on your horoscope. It makes me a cool… so you relieve from your grief

1) Every Thursday make fast to “Thakshinamoorthy” or any of Gurus by yellow wear.
2) Put the gold on locker
3) Do not agree money with interest.
4) Be care with digest
5) Prepare food for priest
6) Use yellow colored cloths
7) Donate for temple, pond, ashram, reconstruction
8) Do not make interest, like and go for above activities
9) Depart from bank, court, temples
10) Get the “Vilva” leaves, at early morning with empty stomach.
11) Clear the dig, upper place, steps at northeast.

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